Life Talk2020-06-20T11:58:10+00:00

Life Talk

Journey Back Home!

It was September 2nd, 2019 when my elder kid had a major surgery here in Sydney. It was difficult to manage home and the hospital, but with God's will and with the help of a few  caring friends, we managed. [...]

April 18th, 2023|Life Talk|0 Comments

Routine Life!

What I miss in my life, these days, is a routine - but then they say that routine is boring. But at the same time, having a routine means that you are living an uninterrupted healthy life. nahin ? So [...]

February 10th, 2022|Life Talk|0 Comments

Hello Again !

Hi there,   Hope you all had a great year. Mine was okay but then eventually, things are shaping up nicely. Joining back after many months now. Had started working - it took most of my time - coupled up [...]

November 17th, 2021|Life Talk|0 Comments

About Me

Hi – I am Hina Kabir. Welcome to my personal blog, where I talk about anything and everything I find interesting and helpful to be shared with you. Happy Reading 🙂

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