For many years, I wrote my new year resolutions but this time around, I haven’t. May be this is my new way to say hello to a new year – so hello 2024.
Life is moving on with a super sonic speed. I don’t really understand how hours are changing into days and days into weeks and where the time is flying. That short span of time where we used to get “bored” never comes now. I’m not bored – I don’t get time for that. I get some time to relax and there, I relax to the fullest…or I try.
Kids are growing up. My elder one is catching up with me on many activities that were once exclusively my me-time activities. We watch movies together – just the two of us. We go for a walk and sit at the river edge and do our meditation. She cheats most of the time while meditating but that’s alright 🙂 She asks me to detour when I need to jog – I like those detours. I have now seen those nooks and corners of the suburb where I live that I had not seen before. All thanks to her. She is a free-spirit – just like me but in this chapter of life, I’m the one catching up with her!
I’ll be succinct in this post as I just came to say hello.
Wish this year bring peace, health and happiness to your life!
Until then.
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