Hi there,


Hope you all had a great year.

Mine was okay but then eventually, things are shaping up nicely. Joining back after many months now. Had started working – it took most of my time – coupled up with two really young kids and three months of complete self-independence (read misery) when my husband had to leave Aussieland to attend to his family back in Pakistan.

Either in misery or pleasure, time never stops and nothing lasts forever.

Time went on – my life was taking a course of its own and here I’m – again – in my happy spot!

Best part of being a non-commericial blogger is that you can set your own pace. Write when your soul itches you to – no strings attached – yet feeling a strong relationship with your space out there. Having a need to water the plants that you have sowed for yourself.

So I’m back again because the soul was calling !

Today I just want to be brief about making a sweet entry – and then writing a long post in the near future. This near future could be 5 minutes away – lol.

Anyway, a lot to catch up on!