When you are traveling with a baby !
I have travelled once internationally with my kid and numerous times within Pakistan due to personal and professional reasons and trust me, the kind of packing and preparation required when you are traveling with a baby is nothing you can [...]
For Hunza…with Love
Have you ever fallen in love with some place? Or felt a piece of you leaving behind on bidding farewell? Well, I have experienced this... not once but four times actually - with the same place of course and I [...]
My First !
Each one of us had our firsts of many things and that made us what we are today. Our day to day conduct is usually influenced by the circumstances we are in so all these 'first' experiences, when combined together, [...]
Pakistan and Medical Tourism?
Few days ago, I was thinking about medical tourism and it occurred to me that India should have been at the top of the league because when I was in States, I was informed at multiple occasions that both Pakistani [...]
Seasons You have to watch in 2018 !!
Have you ever been in a situation where you binge watched a season from start to end within no time. Although, I used to be an avid reader but the silent transition from reading to watching movies to finally getting [...]