One of the most powerful attributes of God is that He creates.

He is a Creator – especially of the living beings.

This is like a magic – a miracle that no human has been able to master. But then again, in this great scheme of things, there are instances when He himself cannot indulge into the job of making. As it needs time – and a warm abode that needs to be present and grow during this whole process 0f creativity. Hence, He has delegated this supreme attribute to the softest fraction of His creation – a female; who when gets the message – transcends into another being – somebody she is not.

And not only she creates, she nourishes – sacrifices her being – and most importantly her life. For it is not possible to nurture life without giving one. Woman has the ability to create – how beautiful this thought is… but what is equally amusing to note is that she is not solely responsible for this miraculous deed – God, by giving a man, the authority and ability to seed the whole process – somehow gives the absolute power to a woman in this instance and then takes it away … at the same time – subhan Allah. Hence, the concept of omnipotence stays with HIM and nobody.

I wish I am able to emphasize the complexity of this process enough- for this process means life – this is the soul of everything – the beginning and the end. Not only this, as soon as a life comes into existence, a mother is the sole supplier of food. Have you ever thought the intricacy of this phenomena as well? A man who has the power and the ability to control all other beings remains under her care for a very long period of time. Isn’t this concept beautiful?

I belong to a male-dominant society – a place where men rule and women obey. A place where women never even gets their identity all their life if he doesn’t permit. I don’t wish to speak for the urban women (for women are more independent there but then again it doesn’t reflect the majority) but the females in large. So I always thought that men exhibits more power than woman in laying the fundamentals of our society –  but now I feel that this is not the case. Females just doesn’t know and understand their ability to shape the world around them – I believe that this delicate creature holds the essence of life and does have the propensity to change the world… only if she is able to understand this.

Please note that by writing this post, I am not demeaning the stature of a man. I’m not even going there. I just wish to elevate the ranks of a woman – make her more mindful of what she is  and what she can do. There is no race or competition. I just feel that we women don’t really understand the depth of their role in the bigger scheme of things. I think, women are powerful – cloaked under the veils of delicacy – this being holds the key to life.

Just remember this –


Anyway, have a brilliant day.